Avimimus Portentosus Dinosaur Life

Avimimus portentosus was a birdlike dinosaur that lived in the postponed Cretaceous in what is currently Mongolia. Avimimus Portentosus Dinosaur is presently at Chicago's Field Museum which had an expanded neck, a short toothless mouth, and the bones in its wrists were compound together, much like that of the present day cockatoo. It had the capacity to crease its entire arm by its body, much like the wings of a flying creature. Not at all like a winged animal on the other hand, A. portentosus had a long hard tail and its pelvis looks like that of additional theropod dinosaurs. It is plausible that A. portentosus had plumes; be that as it may, the stores in which it was build up are excessively coarse for such elements, making it impossible to be safeguarded. Regardless of the possibility that it did have fine hair, it appears to be improbable that it is ready to acknowledge flight, because of its huge body.

Avimimus Portentosus was found by Russian scientist Sergei Mikhailovich Kurzanov. It was found close to the fossils of other theropod dinosaurs, especially sinosauropteryx and caudipteryx.

Nourishment: Omnivorous

Living period: Late Cretaceous

Found in: China and Mongolia

Length: 1. 5 m. (4.5 ft.)

Short Description: The Avimimus is the best known dinosaur of the feathered creature like dinosaurs. It is additionally the main dinosaur in its family and it strolled on four legs.


Family: Avimimidae

Infraorder: Tetanurae

Underorder: Theropoda

Request: Saurischia

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